Saturday, April 28, 2007

junkyard romp

we had the craziestcoolest day yesterday! we went to this place called 'city museum' in st.louis. basically its a playground of slides and caves made strictly from materials found in the city dump. there were two airplane fusilages suspended over the park that you could climb around in. you had to crawl through these tiny metal-wire tube-tunnels to get from one thing to another. it was great. when i grow up, i want one of these in my backyard.

we've had some good shows lately. lot of people signing up for our mailing list, which is good for us. we've sold some CDs, which is also good for us. (mmmm… recoupment…) tonight we're playing in rock island, illinois. incidentally, its not actually an island. but it is made of rock. rock n roll, that is!!!


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