Friday, April 25, 2008


lead vocals were fun. we usually get through a song a day. neil doesn’t like me to sing for more than 2 hours or so each day. usually he gets up early (waaay earlier than me) and edits together the stuff from the previous day. then i’ll get up. we’ll grab lunch, and then start tracking.
the first few takes, we run straight through. just for me to get a feel for the song and mood. neil gives me feedback on things to change, or things to push. then we take the song piece by piece. verses, choruses, and bridge. all separate. finally we do a few passes to get any parts that i didn’t do very well.
these songs have been a lot more challenging for me, vocally, than the songs on the first album. the range is a little wider. the highest points feel higher. we tried to get a little more character into the performances. things like that are tough to nail down.
all in all, i’m pretty happy with the way everything is coming out. i’m really excited to hear what these will sound like with horns and background vocals.

[video clip]

Friday, April 04, 2008

sheep in the woods

apparently this is old, but it made me laugh a lot when i found it today.

kristen schaal is on one of my favorite new shows, flight of the conchords.

how are you all on this rainy friday?


horn arranging

neil and i went down to nashville yesterday to meet up with our friend max. max is writing and arranging some brass and string parts for the album. he’s a great guy, and really funny. neil and i did our mouth-trumpet versions of what we had in mind and he asked, ‘what do you need me for? just do that!’
every time neil and i drive down to nashville it rains. downpour. buckets. only while we are driving. once we get there, it’s fine. and then, when it’s time to drive home: flood. monsoon.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

go fish cards

hey pookies.
i made a couple sets of ’go fish’ cards for my niece and nephews for christmas, and i had to make a bunch. so i had a few sets left over. we decided to put them up for sale on the astonish store, here.
i might do a normal deck of cards, nmk-style, depending on how many of these we’re left with =)
anyway, check em out. and let us know if you’d like to see more stuff like this. i like making things. that, and ice cream. i like ice cream too. maybe more.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

happy april foo’s day

yo foos. check it. no one played any april fool’s jokes on me today. i’m sad.